Saptamana asta a fost una a experimentelor culinare. Noroc cu Laura Adamache, care ar trebui sa-si redenumeasca cartile “cooking for dummies” âș. Mi-a luat vreo 4 ore sa fac un ostropel de pui pentru ca n-am asteptat sa se evapore vinul si, dupa ce am adaugat sosul de rosii, a iesit un fel de ciorba :)). Important e ca pana la urma a rezultat ceva comestibil si iubitul meu a fost fericit. Ah, the things we do for love :))! Am facut si o salata de paste cu mozarella, chorizo, rosii cherry, ardei gras, masline si dressing de iaurt, iar Vineri mi-am incercat norocul cu o salata cu piept de pui la gratar. Sigur, lucrurile astea par simple pentru voi, dar nu uitati cu cine stati de vorba âș.
Marti am fost sa-mi scoata firele in urma extractie si incet, incet am inceput sa ma simt mai bine. Mai am dureri ocazional si tot mi se pare ca mai sunt putin umflata, dar sper sa se rezolve totul saptamana viitoare si sa pot sa fac si a doua extractie in curand. In rest, am atins 35.000 de subscriberi pe Youtube si, asa cum v-am promis, o sa urmeze un super giveaway. Multumesc, multumesc, multumeeesc!
O astept pe Irina sa filmam un tutorial si va las 3 link-uri ale unor articole (+ 1 clip) care mi-au atras atentia in ultimele doua saptamani si care abordeaza un subiect delicat si dureros. Cred ca multe dintre voi o sa inteleaga perfect cand zic ca mi-e frica sa ies singura dupa o anumita ora, ca iubitul meu ma asteapta sa intru in lift inainte de a pleca spre casa, ca formula de adio dupa o iesire cu fetele e “Scrie-mi/Suna-ma cand ajungi acasa!”. Conform statisticilor, in tara noastra are loc un viol la 4 ore si aici e vorba numai de agresiunile declarate! Exista persoane care atesta ca numarul ar fi, de fapt, dublu fata de cel din statistici pentru ca victimelor le e frica sa marturiseasca. Stay safe & reach out daca aveti nevoie de ajutor!
How I convinced the world you can be raped by your date – “Katie Koestner was 18 when she went on a date with a fellow college student – and was forced to have sex. In 1990 the idea that you could be raped on a date was not widely understood, but Koestner went public with her story and – as she explains here – the concept of “date rape” took root for the first time.” ->
You Want To âProtectâ Women In Bathrooms. What About From Actual Rapists? – “A few weeks ago, there were lots of men looking out for the safety of American women everywhere by wanting to ban transgender women from using the ladiesâ rooms at Target and other public places. We were told how women were precious, how they needed protected from âmen in dresses.â But no, it wasnât primarily the trans people (especially trans women) that we needed to be protected from. It was the the pedophiles and the voyeurs who would take advantage of the laws.” ->
Rape culture in the U.S. ->
Here Is The Powerful Letter The Stanford Victim Read Aloud To Her Attacker – One night in January 2015, two Stanford University graduate students biking across campus spotted a freshman thrusting his body on top of an unconscious, half-naked woman behind a dumpster. This March, a California jury found the former student, 20-year-old Brock Allen Turner, guilty of three counts of sexual assault. Turner faced a maximum of 14 years in state prison. On Thursday, he was sentenced to six months in county jail and probation. The judge said he feared a longer sentence would have a âsevere impactâ on Turner, a champion swimmer who once aspired to compete in the Olympics â a point repeatedly brought up during the trial. On Thursday, Turnerâs victim addressed him directly, detailing the severe impact his actions had on her. ->
Voi ce articole ati descoperit saptamana asta? Please share đ .
Love, K.
Rough topic đ Dupa lungi lupte cu Disqus pentru a scrie un comentariu pe blogul tau, iti las doua linkuri mai relaxante, descoperite vineri si sambata:
Multumesc, Teodora, foarte interesante :*
Si eu fac un ,,popas” urias in bucatarie:)) merg pe principiul: incet si bine.Detest cruzimea, nici nu vreau sa aud de cuvantul ,,viol”…
Te pup, Gabriela :*
Apropo de violenta avem si un grup pe facebook intitulat Nu inseamna Nu care isi doreste sa ajute in stoparea acestor nefericite evenimente, in educatia oamenilor si ajutarea celor care au trecut prin momente grele.
Eu la capitolul torturi si prajituri stau prost.
Multumesc de info :*