3 link-uri pentru Duminica {10.04}
A fost o saptamana incarcata, iar cum eu nu sunt cea mai energica persoana din Univers, recunosc ca ma simteam destul de obosita. Ieri, insa, am iesit in parc cu fetele, ne-am plimbat, am mancat inghetata, am ras, am vorbit despre toate prostiile posibile, as best friends do, si m-am incarcat cu multa energie pozitiva pentru urmatoarea saptamana. Astazi o rezerv pentru lenevit cu iubitul meu si, pentru ca vine ploaia, o sa ne uitam la un documentar si o sa mancam prostiute – hey, Duminica e cheat day ☺.
Pentru maine am pregatit postarea despre cum a fost in backstage la Welcome To Deliria, iar astazi va las 3 link-uri ale unor articole care m-au impresionat saptamana asta, ca si Duminica trecuta.
* via Pinterest
* A Woman With Skin Cancer Is Sharing Graphic Photos To Warn Against Tanning And Sunburns – “A mom of two who has been fighting skin cancer for over two decades is sharing graphic photos of her battle with the disease to try and stop others from using tanning beds and getting sunburns.” -> http://www.buzzfeed.com/stephaniemcneal/a-woman-with-skin-cancer
* SK-II: Marriage Market Takeover – “Today, Chinese women face immense pressure to get married before they turn 27. In many Chinese cities, so called marriage markets are a common sight, where parents go to post and match personal ads. A number of brave Chinese women have finally stood up to speak their mind against society’s labels and their parents’ pressures.” -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irfd74z52Cw
* The Real Reasons Why Generation Y Is Depressed And Silent About It – “Generation Y has suffered widely of this new scale of values, becoming a paradox of living with constant discontentment while hunting high for reassurance, validity and recognition. Being special has become the norm, while being “ordinary” gets often stamped as being useless to society.” -> http://www.artparasites.com/the-real-reasons-why-generation-y-is-depressed-and-silent-about-it
Voi ce articole interesante ati descoperit saptamana asta? Please share ☺.
Love, K.
Mi se pare ca tipa e de pe alta planeta. Chiar ma gandeam ca la mine in casa se duce gunoiul in fiecare zi si m-am simtit super vinovata. Cati bani irosim pe ambaleje pe care le aruncam si in acelasi timp poluam. Macar daca am pune mai mult accent pe reciclare si pe colectarea selectiva a deseurilor, ca in alte tari, si tot am face ceva pentru Planeta.
Ii admir mult pe oamenii de genul asta, mai ales pentru ca simt ca eu irosesc foarte mult.
Astazi l-am gasit, dar m-am gandit ca e potrivit pt articolul tau si ca multe fete ar trebui sa vada acest video
Oh, da, foarte bun! Citisem despre THINX, as fi tare curioasa sa vad cum functioneaza.