October’s favorites 2012!

Hey girls!

Weekend-ul asta a fost unul tare linistit si normal: am facut curat, mi-am spalat pensulele, mi-am dezinfectat produsele de make-up, mi-am rearanjat hainele pentru toamna/iarna, am reluat SATC (a patra oara ☺) si am inceput primul volum 50 Shades of Grey. Pe scurt, m-am odihnit si sunt pregatita pentru o saptamana fabuloasa…numai sa nu fie frig, ca-mi trece :)). Pana atunci, acestea sunt favoritele mele de luna trecuta :D. 
This weekend was a pretty quiet and normal one: I did some cleaning, washed my brushes, disinfected my make-up products, rearranged my clothes for fall/winter, took up SATC (the 4th time☺) and started reading the first volume of 50 Shades of Grey. Now I’m rested and ready for a fabulous week…unless it’s too cold, then I’m over it :)). Meanwhile, these are my favorites from last month :D.

Pudra mea preferata de vreo patru ani (nu, nu e aceeasi cutie ☺) si cred ca o sa continuu s-o recumpar multi ani de acum incolo. Matifiaza, uniformizeaza tenul si il face sa arate flawless. Nu prea mai folosisem pudra in ultimul timp, dar de cateva saptamani mi-am reamintit de ce-mi place atat de mult.

This is my favorite powder for the past four years and I think I’ll keep buying it for many years to come. It’s mattifying, it evens out the skin and makes it look flawless.

Ador rujurile inchise pentru toamna: rosu, cherry, plum. Noul meu “to go look” consta intr-un fard sidefat, de “culoarea pielii”, combinat cu un ruj plum, foarte pigmentat :D.
I love dark lipsticks for fall: red, cherry, plum. My new “to go look” consists of a flesh-colored, shimmer eyeshadow, combined with a very pigmented, plum lipstick : D.

Review coming soon!

Cred ca v-ati plictisit deja sa vedeti paleta dupa review, look-ul de zi si cel de seara :)). Nu uitati de giveaway!

You’re probably bored of this palette after seeing the review, day look and night look :)). 

Ador colectia, dar v-am mai zis asta de atatea ori. Ati vazut deja Miss Conduct si Angel Eyes si urmeaza sa pun poze si cu ultima pe care o detin :D.

I love this collection, but I’ve already told you that like a million times before. You’ve already seen Miss Conduct and Angel Eyes and I’ll post pics of the last one soon :D. 

Ador lotiunea asta! Miroase delicios, se intinde repede si lasa pielea catifelata.
I love this lotion! It smells delicious, it’s easy to massage into the skin and it leaves it so smooth.
Va povesteam data trecuta ca mi-am comandat doua coliere noi de pe Jewelry Box. Acesta e unul din ele si l-am tot purtat saptamanile astea…so pretty ♥.
I told you last time that I order two more statement necklaces. This is one of them and I’ve been wearing it these couple of weeks…it’s so pretty ♥.
Nu mai are nevoie de explicatie, imi stiti obsesia pentru Lana.
There’s no need to explain it, you know my obsession for Lana.


I ♥ Jim Caviezel!
Care sunt preferatele voastre? 
How about your favorites? 

Puteti sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze, cereri sau intrebari pe mail. Adresele le gasiti sus! 

You can write to me or send pictures, requests and questions on my e-mail. The addresses are above.

Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀  


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