September’s Favorites 2012!

Hey girls!

N-am apucat sa fac postarea asta inainte sa plec spre Suceava, asa ca sper sa nu va suparati daca o fac acum, cu cateva zile intarziere :D. N-am mai scris despre favoritele mele din Aprilie, nu stiu de ce mi-e atat de greu sa gasesc lunar cateva produse preferate, probabil ca folosesc prea multe :)).

I didn’t get the chance to do this post before I left on my mini-vacation so I hope you don’t mind if I do it now. I haven’t written about my favorites since April, I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to name some products every month….I probably use too many :)).

L-am cumparat de pe e-bay, la recomandarea Andei, si imi place la nebunie! N-a fost doar pe lista favoritelor de pe luna Septembrie, ci l-am folosit pe tot parcursul verii, mai ales la mare. Ofera o acoperire medie, se simte foarte light pe piele si are SPF 42! In folosesc singur sau il combin cu alte fonduri de ten prentru a obtine produsul perfect.

I bought it from e-bay after Anda recommend it to me and I love it! I’ve used it the entire summer, especially when I went to the beach. It gives a medium coverage, it’s very light on the skin and has SPF 42! I use it on its own or mix it with other foundation to get the perfect product.

Lasa pielea foarte catifelata si face ca aplicarea fondului de ten sa fie multa mai usoara. L-am folosit, de asemenea, pentru a-mi readuce la viata eyelinerul crema Wet’n’Wild care se cam uscase.

It leaves the skin very smooth and makes the foundation application much easier. I also used it to bring back to life my Wet’n’Wild eyeliner gel.

In ultimul timp imi place sa amestec fondurile de ten pentru a obtine produsul dorit. Fac asta pe podul palmei, apoi aplic fondul de ten cu o pensula concealer sau cu degetele in punctele exterioare ale fetei si dupa amestec produsul cu ajutorul acestei pensule. Ofera o acoperire mai mare si un finish flawless. O gasiti aici.

Lately I’ve been starting to mix foundation in order to get the perfect product. I do it on the back of my hand, then apply the mix on exterior points of my face using a concealer brush or my fingers and after that, I use this brush to buff it all in. It gives a higher coverage and a flawless finish.

Stiti deja cat imi plac blush-urile ELF. Voiam sa includ pe lista de favorite si “Glow”, din gama Essential, dar mi-a scapat pe jos ieri si n-am mai avut chef sa-l repar (link), o sa-mi cumpar altul vara viitoare. Si acestea din gama Studio au culori superbe, dar un packaging mai solid. Gasiti swatch-uri aici.
You already know how much I like ELF blushes. I wanted to include “Glow” on my list of favorites, from the Essential range, but I dropped it yesterday and was too lazy to fix it. I’ll just have to buy another one next summer. These Studio ones are also beautiful, but have a sturdier packaging. You can find swatches here.


Am folosit acest produs pe tot parcursul verii, impreuna cu bronzerul de la Too Faced. Da un aspect sanatos, bronzat, stralucitor. Imi place mult si se va afla permanent in kitul meu de vara.

I’ve used this product iver the summer in combination with my Too Faced bronzer. It gives a healthy, bronzed glow. I like it a lot and I know it will have a permanent spot in my summer kit.

(Blue, Green, Ultra green, Vegetal green, Pink, Mauve, Violet, Copper)

Creioanele astea trebuie sa fie printre preferatele mele all-time. Au niste culori superbe, sunt pigmentate si cremoase, se intind usor si rezista destul de mult. Imi place sa le folosesc ca baza pentru fard pe linia genelor de jos.

These liners have to be amongst my all-time favorites. They have beautiful colors, are very pigmented and creamy, glide easily and stay put for quite a while. I love using them as a base for eyeshadow on my lower lashline.

Daca mi-ati vazut ultimul tutorial cu Updated Eyebrow Routine, stiti ca pana acum imi faceam sprancenele cu Sleek Eye Brow Kit. De cand m-am pensat ceva mai mult decat ar fi trebuit (adica am sprancene foarte subtiri), il prefer pe acesta, e mai pigmentat.

If you saw the tutorial with my “Updated Eyebrow Routine” you know I mostly used the eyebrow kit from Sleek. In the meantime, I’ve plucked my eyebrows too much and now I prefer this one, it’s more pigmented.


Intotdeauna am fost o fana a rimelurilor L’oreal, iar acesta nu se dezice. As indrazni chiar sa zic ca e preferatul meu all-time. Il gasiti aici.
I’ve always been a fan of L’Oreal mascaras and these one is no different. I’d even go so far as to say it’s my favorite one ever.

Il gasiti aici. Review coming tomorrow.
Ador paletele Sleek. Le-am folosit toata vara, la sedinte foto, cand am fost plecata la mare, cand am fost plecata la Suceava. Sunt usor de transportat, foarte pigmentate si au toate nuantele de care ai avea nevoie.

I love Sleek palettes! I’ve used them all Summer…on me, at photo-shoots, on vacation. They’re easy to carry, very pigmented and have all the colors you need.


Imi stiti obsesia pentru coliere. Mi-am mai comandat ieri doua de pe Jewelry Box, de-abia astept sa le port. 

You know my obsession for necklaces. I orderer two more yesterday, can’t wait to wear them.

O ador pe Sade si “No ordinary love” e una din piesele mele preferate. Rareori imi plac cover-urile dupa piese atat de cunoscute, dar sunt fana The Civil Wars si eram curioasa sa vad ce le-a iesit. E perfect!
I love Sade and “No ordinary love” is one of my favorite songs ever. I seldom like covers after such well-knows songs, but I’m a Civil Wars fan and I was curious to see what they did with it. It’s perfect!

Favorite Show: STAR TREK TNG
Mi-a placut ideea Andei de a include si serialul preferat. Eu am urmarit Star Trek The Next Generation pentru ca ma saturasem sa aud atatea despre el si sa nu-l fi vazut niciodata :)).
I liked Anda’s idea to include my favorite show. I watched Star Trek The Next Generation because I was tired of hearing about it but not knowing how it was :)). 
Care sunt preferatele voastre? 
How about your favorites? 
Puteti sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze, cereri sau intrebari pe mail. Adresele le gasiti sus! 
You can write to me or send pictures, requests and questions on my e-mail. The addresses are above.

Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀  

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