…daring to try, to do it or die, I’ve gotta be me!
Leather pants / Pantaloni : Promod; Jumper / Bluza : Pull & Bear; Denim shirt/ Camasa : Sprider;
Boots / Cizme :
Necklace/ Colier : DIY;
Ring / Inel :
Hat/ Palarie : Promod;
Astazi am ultimul examen si dupa pot sa respir linistita cateva zile pana ma apuc de licenta. Acum cateva zile am fost sa-i caut un cadou mamei (de ziua ei ♥) si ma stiti pe mine, nu puteam sa plec fara sa iau ceva si pentru mine :)). Mi-a placut mult palaria si era si la reduceri, yey for me :D.
Today is my last exam and I then can breath easy for a few days until I have to start working on my degree paper. A few days ago I went looking for a present for my mother (it was her birthday ♥) and you know me, I couldn’t leave without getting something for myself :)). I loved the hat and it was on sale, so yey for me :D.
Puteti sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze, cereri sau intrebari pe mail. Adresele le gasiti sus!
You can write to me or send pictures, requests and questions on my e-mail. The addresses are above.
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀