Saptamana asta a fost productiva, minunata si plina de culoare, dar ingrozitor de obositoare. Ma gandesc serios sa ma apuc de baut cafea, everyone says it works āŗ. Am avut cliente Joi, Vineri si Sambata si 3 zile de masterclass de la 10:00 am la 7:00 pm (despre care o sa va povestesc cum primesc pozele), asa ca ma simt epuizata si-mi pare tare rau ca am reusit sa postez atat de rar saptamana asta si pe blog si pe insta & snapchat (user: special.koko). Promit, insa, sa recuperez mai ales ca am multe idei si sunt plina de make-up inspiration de la cursul cu Maria Lihacheva si episoadele de RuPaul’s Drag Race āŗ.
Jessica se simte mult mai bine, a inceput sa calce pe piciorus si incet, incet se indreapta spre recuperare totala. Vreau sa va multumesc din suflet pentru toate incurajarile si urarile voastre frumoase, nu va dati seama cat de mult au insemnat pentru mine! ā„
Fug sa filmez un clip nou cu Irina si va las 3 link-uri ale unor articole care mi-au placut saptamana asta:

*via Pinterest
Wherever You Are in Life, Value the Journey – “Even though we all are on different paths, one of the major causes of unhappiness in the world of entrepreneurs, business leaders and high achievers is not taking the time to value the journey weāre on.” ->
Mastering The Difficult Art Of Letting Go – “Quite often we come to points in our lives that halt usāwhere our career does not satisfy us, life emotionally challenges us, or we realize that certain people we spend time with do not align with our needs or beliefs. Moving forward becomes our only option. Yet, for most it is very hard to change.” ->
The Great Unease – “Thereās a lot of status anxiety going about these days. People live suspended between the anxiety of being deluged in communication and the agony of receiving none. They have always wanted to be liked, but now they must also be āliked.ā They exist under the digital pressure of reciprocal judgment, a state that knows no repose.” ->
Voi ce articole interesante ati descoperit saptamana asta? Please share :).
Love, K.
<3 <3 <3
Cafea sau ceai negru, dar fara zahar sau miere, pentru mine functioneaza de fiecare data! Abia astept sa ne arati pozele de la curs! Am vazut cum ai machiat-o pe Irina si mi-a placut la nebunie. Spor la filmat! :*
Multumeesc :*
si pentru mine a fost o saptamana obositoare, cu multe drumuri.