M-am simtit foarte obosita in ultimele doua saptamani, fara energie sau inspiratie. Sunt sigura ca o mare parte din aceasta stare s-a datorat schimbarilor de vreme, dar chiar si asa m-a determinat sa incep sa am mai multa grija de mine si de corpul meu. Sunt sigura ca un stil de viata (mai) sanatos mi-ar imbunatati nivelul de energie, starea de spirit si felul in care pot sa fac fata schimbarilor de vreme si presiune.
In rest, saptamana viitoare o sa vedeti, in sfarsit, noul aspect al blogului si, de asemenea, revin la programul obisnuit de postari – atat pe blog, cat si pe Youtube. Am avut ieri o intalnire cu Irina si am pus pe hartie toate ideile pentru Mai si Iunie. Tot ieri am tinut un mic speech despre antreprenoriatul online in fata studentilor si, desi urasc sa vorbesc in public, a fost o experienta tare frumoasa si chiar am simtit sustinere si deschidere din partea lor. Sper ca le-am fost cat de cat de ajutor āŗ.
Inchei aici si va las 3 link-uri ale unor articole care mi-au placut saptamana asta:
Ā * via Pinterest
We Are the Generation That Doesnāt Want Relationships – “We want a second coffee cup in our Instagrams of lazy Saturday mornings, another pair of shoes in our artsy pictures of our feet. We want a Facebook official relationship every one can like and comment on, we want the social media post that wins #relationshipgoals. We want a date for Sunday morning brunch, someone to commiserate with during the drudge of Mondaze, a Taco Tuesday partner, someone to text us good morning on Wednesday. We want a plus one for all the weddings we keep getting invited to (how did they do it? How did they find their happily ever after?). But we are the generation who doesnāt want a relationship.” -> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/we-are-the-generation-who-doesnt-want-relationships
#MaybeHeDoesntHitYou. This Hashtag Confronts the Side of Abuse We Don’t Talk About Enough – “The hashtag #MaybeHeDoesntHitYou sheds light on various forms of abuse in relationships, ultimately sending the message that a person does not need to be physically assaulted to be the victim of abuse from another ā partner abuse can manifest in many ways, including emotional or verbal abuse.” -> http://www.attn.com/stories/8198/maybehedoesnthityou-twitter-exposes-non-physical-abuse
‘Eff your beauty standards’: Meet the size 26, tattooed supermodel who is changing the fashion industry – “Tess Holliday is sitting in a studio in midtown Manhattan, eating a lunch of beef and lettuce leaves, sipping a Diet Coke, talking about the reaction she gets when she reveals to strangers what she does for a living ā the few remaining strangers who donāt recognise her on the street, that is. Because right now, Tess Holliday is oneĀ of the biggest models on the planet ā bothĀ literally and metaphorically.” -> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/fashion/people/eff-your-beauty-standards-meet-the-size-26-tattooed-supermodel
Voi ce articole interesante ati descoperit saptamana asta? Please share āŗ.
Love, K.