…is NYX HD Eye Shadow Base, or at least according to a top made by totalbeauty.com. I read the article and I was really curious to see if it’s true so I ordered it from Makeup Shop. I’ve tried a lot of primers in the past – Urban Decay Primer Potion, Too Faced Shadow Insurance, ELF Eyelid Primer – and I was really excited to see how it stands out from the others.
Are o textura light, oarecum apoasa, si se aplica foarte usor. Tebuie sa asteptati 1 minut, 2 pana se usuca si apoi puteti sa continuati cu aplicarea fardurilor. Nu ingreuneaza deloc blending-ul cum simteam ca se intampla cu Urban Decay Primer Potion. Nu numai ca face machiajul sa reziste cu succes ore intregi, fiind astfel potrivit pentru nunti sau alte evenimente lungi, dar ajuta si la intensificarea culorilor. Testul suprem a fost la sedinta foto de Duminica, desfasurata la o piscina. Doua din persoanele pe care le-am machiat atunci au inotat, iar machiajul a ramas intact!
It has a light texture, a bit watery, and it’s very easy to apply. You have to wait a minute or two until it dries, then you can go ahead with the rest of your make-up. It doesn’t make it harder to blend eyeshadows the way I feel UDPP did. Besides making the make-up last for hours and hours, it also helps intensify the colors. The ultimate test was at my latest photo-shoot, held at a swimming pool. Two of my models had to swim and their make-up remained intact!
Eu nu am o experienta vasta, de la un timp rareori aplic fard pe pleoapa, gasesc motive aproape in fiecare sezon, eu am de la elf si e ok, fata de unul mineral de la pure touch. Multumesc pentru prezentare. xo
Da, e super si cel de la ELF :*
super, o sa mi-l comand si eu 😀
O sa-ti placa :D:*
de retinut! merci pentru review, K!
Multi pupici!
Glad I could help, puup:*
Merci de pont!
Cu placere :*
Vai, nu-mi vine sa cred, il au in stoooc ? L-am asteptat saptamani intregi si pana la urma mi-am luat din Sephora . Ntz…
Nu, nu e pe stoc 🙁 Acum m-am trezit eu sa-i fac review :))
Multumesc pt aceasta postare! Am descoperit un primer cu adevarat bun. Imi poti recomanda unul si pt ten, ceva care sa mentina fondul de ten cat mai mult timp in stare buna? Ceva asemanator ca si calitate? Multumesc!
Din cele incercate de mine pana acum, imi plac foarte mult benefit porefessional si benefit stay flawless.