Forest Nymph Make-up: Shades of green & brown

De-abia astept sa scap de luna asta si sa revin cu un program constant pe blog. Imi propun sa postez minim un look pe saptamana si astept provocarile voastre. Puteti sa-mi postati pe wall machiaje pe care ati vrea sa le recreez sau diferite poze unrelated din care sa ma inspir. Cred ca o sa fie un joc interesant :D. Look-ul de astazi e destul de simplu din punct de vedere coloristic, dar a primit multe aprecieri, asa ca m-am gandit sa vi-l arat. Sa aveti o Duminica minunata!

I can’t wait for this month to be over and get back on track. I intend to post at least one look a week and I’m waiting for your challenges. You can post make-up looks that you’d like me to recreate on my wall or some unrelated pictures for me to get inspired from. I think it’s gonna be fun :D. Today’s look has a pretty simple color combination, but it got a lot of compliments, so I though I’d share it with you. Have a lovely Sunday! 

Grad de dificultate / Difficulty level: 

Cum se realizeaza/ How to do it:

Am inceput prin a aplica primer pentru ca machiajul sa reziste intreaga zi. Apoi am aplicat o baza cremoasa verde pe pleoapa mobila pentru ca fardul sa adere mai bine si sa fie mai intens si am aplicat peste o nuanta de verde din paleta Shany. Am continuat cu pliul pleoapei, unde am aplicat un maro mediu sidefat din paleta Laissa care sa ma ajute cu blending-ul si am continuat cu un beige sidefat din aceeasi paleta sub spranceana. Am aplicat apoi o nuanta mai inchisa de maro din paleta Shany in pliul pleoapei si una de negru in exterior. Pe linia genelor de jos am aplicat o nnuanta sidefata din maro din paleta Shany. Apoi am trasat o dunga de pigment auriu doar in prima jumatate a pleoapei mobile si am terminat cu mascara.

I started by prepping my eyelids with primer so that the make-up would last longer. Then I used a green creamy base on the lid so that the eye shadow would have something to adhere to and applied a green shade from Shany Cosmetics on top of it. I continued the look by adding a medium shimmery brown in the crease to help with the blending and then I added a shimmery beige under the brow. Then I applied a darker shade of brown in the crease and black in the outer corner, both from the Shany palette. I applied a medium brown on the lower lash-line. Then I added a gold pigment eyeliner on the first half of the lid and finished with mascara.
Shany Cosmetics 7 Layers All in One Makeup Set
Laissa Professional Palette
L’Oreal Volume Million Lashes So Couture Mascara
Flormar Lip Pencil – 201
Inglot Lipstick – 417
L’Oreal le teint Accord Parfait (2 shades darker for contouring)
Too Faced Chocolate Soieil Bronzer (over L’Oreal)
Maybelline Affinitone Blush – Rosewood
Lush Feel Younger Tint
Love, K.


  1. Oanna Maria says:

    😡 Pure perfection! Nu cred ca are rost sa repet celelalte adjective :)) U already know them.

  2. Macy says:

    Superb machiajul, imi place foarte mult 🙂 Trebuie sa incerc si eu sa-l fac 😀

  3. Mihaela Bolea says:

    Perfect! ♥♥♥
    O nouă săptămână minunată, special girl! ♥

  4. Dee says:

    Arata excelent!
    Trebuie sa il incerc si eu. 😀

  5. Ral Petre says:

    Amazing sweetie :*

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