Sa zic ca am avut niste saptamani pline ar fi cel mai mare understatement al anului. O lunga perioada mi-a fost frica sa incerc lucruri noi, sa risc si am ramas mereu la un nivel confortabil, safe. Acum, ca am inceput sa ies din sfera mea de confort, apar tot mai multe oportuniti. Mici, mari, nici macar n-are importanta…ma bucur de fiecare. Vedeti voi, e ok sa visati la ce va doriti si sa va faceti planuri, dar trebuie sa aveti curajul sa faceti primul pas spre realizarea lor! Si chiar daca esuati la inceput, nu-i nimic, incercati din nou si aveti incredere in voi…tineti minte ca nimic cu adevarat bun nu se intampla asteptand :D.
Inarmati-va cu rabdare, urmeaza o postare lunga! ^_^
*Can you tell I really love head/hair accessories?*
*Forever young via Centrofarm*
*The beautiful Christina was my model for my make-up exam*
*I took her out afterwards for Mexican brunch ♥*
*I love this bun! Do you want me to do a tutorial on it?*
*Teaser…what do you think is in the box?:D*
*Did the make-up for ‘Inorog’ short film*
*My skincare routine in the winter…read about it here*
*Collection privee by J.Lo from L’Oreal*
*My favorite dessert, after classes*
*Nude make-up, plaid shirt & bright green nails*
*Heavenly smell at Madison Luxury Perfumery*
*The new Elseve Color Vive Collection*
*…trying out hats at the event*
*Morning view ♥*
*…new favorite scent :x*
*Skirt obsession*
*Mexican dinner*
*Bloggers in crime at an event ♥*
“My reaction when I found out I won the Beauty Blogging Contest by L’Oréal Paris Romania”
*Cupcake toast ♥*
*Celebrating with the girls, part I*
*New profile pic to celebrate 40.000 likes*
*How I’m spending my morning*
*Megan Fox inspired make-up look on a beautiful girl*
*Blue & purple make-up for a night out on lovely Monica*
*Gold, copper & red for gorgeous Crina*
*In love with Murmur…beautiful clothes, beautiful people 8->*
*Quality time with Denisa*
*With Denisa at Galateca – Vernisaj Eduard Mariut & Andreea Retinschi*
*’Sex and the city’ type of night, celebrating with my favorite girls!*
*Child of the moon, Romwe leggings*
*fly, fly away…*
*Folklore & punk touches*
(Romwe boots & vest, Vivilli jacket, Stradivarius skirt, Promod shirt, Asos Belt)
*Sharing a cheesecake with Denisa after a long day*
*I volunteered for an improv comedy show*
*A great night starts with a cup of coffee and ends with a glass of wine*
*Lovely gift from a reader, thank you so much!*
*Lots of love for all of you beautiful girls* (Romwe shirt, Choies skirt)
*…Saturday night with my favorite girls in the whole wide world!*
*New lippies added to the collection ♥*
*Sneak peek @motivifashion, coming Tuesday*
*Late lunch*
*I ♥ the rain*
Thank you for you visit!
Love, K