Photo Diary: Love for May (1.05-13.05)

Ah, a fost atat de bine in Vacanta! Vedeti ca o scriu cu majuscula, da? ☺ Tare greu mi-a fost sa ma duc ieri la cursuri…si cand ma gandesc ca trebuie sa fac prezente si proiecte si sa invat pentru examene…bleah! :)) Nici n-am inceput bine cursurile si numar zilele pana la vacanta de vara! 😀 Anyway, tineti-va bine, vin muuulte poze!
*Spent the 1st of May at the mountainside* (Asos trainers, Reserved jeans, DIY shirt)
 *I was trying to eat healthy…
 …but it didn’t last long! Best icecream ever ♥*

*Ray of light in Brasov*

*Sporting my spiked loafers from*

*Playing cards with the girls*

*What a scenery…we have  such a beautiful country!*

*Strawberries, strawberries everyday ♥*

*Lovely retro decor at Vila Dalin*

*Bunny ears* (Converse shoes, New Look pants, Romwe shirt)
*Happy Easter!*
*Happy nails for Easter!*

*Came home and found this…so lovely!* 

*…the living is easy…* (Sheinside shoes, La femme shorts, Romwe shirt) 
 *Out & about* (Asos shoes, Promod pants, H&M shirt, Romwe bag, Koton blazer)
 *Cocktail hour with my BFF…mine’s the one with the alcohol ☺*
*Learn to love the ride!*
*What can I say…I do enjoy a good cocktail* 

*Huge package from L’oreal! Watch my FB to see what was in it :D*

*Sunny Day in Bucharest* (Romwe skirt, Asos flats, Promod shirt) 

*Editing a new tutorial…watch it HERE

*Late at night, on the rooftop…* (Asos trainers, Mango jeans, Romwe sweater)
 *I just love Italian cuisine*
 *Dust pink & floral print* (Asos shoes & headband, Bershka skirt, Romwe shirt)
 *Karaoke night with my beautiful BFF*
 *Played a really cute game at Lush, I’ll tell you more about it later*
*Met with a friend and she brought me this…how cute is that?*
*Greek lunch with the girls…
…and a bit of dessert afterwards!*
*Gold, green & teal on my eyes* 
*He’s such a sweet, sweet boy!*
*The tutorial I was talking about earlier* (Romwe shirt)
*Perfect Satuday* (Asos clutch, New Look dress)
*I swear I’m not an alcoholic! :))*
 *Green smoky eyes & bronze lips*
*Splash of color! (H&M and Pimkie)
*He’s afraid of thunder!*
Thank you for your visit! ♥

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You can write to me or send pictures, requests and questions on my e-mail. The addresses are above.
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀

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