Hey girls!
Desi mai am multe proiecte pentru Master, mi-am propus (si sper sa reusesc) sa postez cel putin doua tutoriale luna asta:
Hot Cocoa si look-ul pe care il votati in sondajul de astazi :D. Vreau sa fac si
TAG-ul de Craciun primit de la Anda si o retrospectiva a look-urilor din 2012 :D. Wish me luck :))
Although I have a tone of projects to do for school, I intend to post at least two tutorials this month:
Hot Cocoa and the look you vote for today :D. I also want to do the
Christmas Tag I got from Anda and a retrospective of all the looks I did in 2012 😀 Wish me luck :))
Choose between :
End date : December 16th
Puteti sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze, cereri sau intrebari pe mail. Adresele le gasiti sus!
You can write to me or send pictures, requests and questions on my e-mail. The addresses are above.
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀