Hey girls!
Machiajul de astazi e primul din seria de sarbatori de anul acesta. Sunt foarte entuziasmata pentru ca stiu sigur ca o sa ma distrez realizandu-le pe toate :D. Este un look cu albastru, teal si argintiu, putin sclipici mov si buze nude, peachy. Stiu ca albastrul e o culoare pe care multe o evitati in machiaj, dar aplicata corect si in moderatie, efectul e tare dragut si, zic eu, foarte potrivit pentru iarna si zapada :P.
Today’s make-up is the first one of my holiday series this year. I am very excited because I know I’ll have a lot of full doing them all :D. It’s a blue, teal and silver look, with a touch of purple glitter and nude, peachy lips. I know that many of you tend to avoid blue when it comes to makeup, but applied properly and in moderation, the effect is really lovely and in my opinion suitable for winter and snow: P.
TFSI Lemon Drop
NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil – Cottage Cheese (intins pe pleoapa mobila – smudged on the lid)
Sleek Ultra Mattes Darks Palette
MUA Dusk Til Dawn Palette
MUA Glitter Eyeliner – Shade 7
Gene False Gipsy 96 Black
NOUBA l/s – Shade 58
MUA Lip Boom – OMG (the glitter)
Too Faced Matte Bronzing Powder – Chocolate Soleil
Deborah Milano Natural Effect Blush – Shade 04
FM Make-up Mineral Eyeshadow – Chocolate Mousse (the middle shade as highlight)
*click to enlarge*
On different eye colors:
Am purtat machiajul asta sambata trecuta, la Extravaganza Fashion Fair. Am fost invitata la targ impreuna cu cateva din bloggeritele mele preferate de fashion, si am purtat toate creatii
BELIV. Eu mi-am ales o rochie albastra, fitted, cu spatele gol.
I wore this makeup last Saturday at Extravaganza Fashion Fair. I was invited to attend the fair along with a few of my favorite fashion bloggers and we all wore BELIV creations. I chose a blue, fitted, bareback dress.
Dress / Rochie: BELIV;
Boots / Cizme: Bershka;
Necklace / Colier: Fire de Murg
Bucharest Style
Thank you for your visit! ♥
Puteti sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze, cereri sau intrebari pe mail. Adresele le gasiti sus!
You can write to me or send pictures, requests and questions on my e-mail. The addresses are above.
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀