Tutorial Demi Lovato X Factor Look!

Hey girls!

Cand am vazut ca acest look a iesit castigator la sondaj, am fost putin dezamagita. Nu pentru ca nu mi-ar fi placut, dar pentru ca speram ca vreti sa vedeti ceva mai complicat, ca Shades of Grey. Acum ma bucur nespus de alegerea voastra…atat de greu mi-a fost sa-l filmez pe acesta, cred ca as fi  innebunit la celalalt!  Ati avut vreodata o zi din aia in care nimic nu merge bine? Asa mi s-a intamplat mie cu acest tutorial :)). Camera era pozitionata prea jos si cand ma indreptam de la durerea de spate, ieseam din cadru. Oglinda era prea departe asa ca, in mare, nu vedeam mai nimic din ce faceam. Dar cel mai greu a fost sa trasez eyelinerul…n-am avut pe ce sa-mi sprijin cotul si am facut-o in aer…ma mir ca a iesit atat de bine avand in vedere mainile mele tremurande :)). Eu sper sa va ajute oricum si promit sa gasesc o solutie mai buna pentru data viitoare.

You know those days when nothing turns out the way you wanted it to? Well that’s what I went through while filming this tutorial. The camera was too low, the mirror was too far. And to top it all off, I had nothing to lean my elbow on while doing the winged eyeliner, which was the most important part. I’m actually surprised it came out this good considering my shaky hands :)). I really hope you’ll find it useful despite all the flaws and I promise I’ll come up with a better solution for next time.  

Tutorial : 
NYX Jumbo pencil – Milk (intins pe pleoapa mobila – smudged on the lid)
120 Matte Palette
Sleek Ultra Matte Darks
Sephora Colorful 01 – White pearl
Wet’n’Wild Mega Eyes Creme Eyeliner
Gene False Gipsy #95

Malu Wilz Pencil – 10 (smudged)

Mini Shader Brush (here)
Sigma E55
Sigma E35
Mirlans Angled Shading Brush
ELF “Defining eye” Brush
Sigma E45

Flormar Waterproof Lipliner – No.201
Oriflame Lipstick – Nude Suede
Thank you for your visit! ♥


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Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀

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