Slow down, lie down, remember it’s just you and me…

 …don’t sell out, bow out, remember how this used to be!

         Jumper & Coat / Bluza & Palton : Romwe Pants & Belt/ Pantaloni & Curea: New Look;
Boots / Cizme: Cropp Town; Necklace / Colier: Jewelry Box;  Ceas / Watch: Murano Shop
Cand imi alegeam outfit-ul pentru Duminica, aveam in minte o fusta gri, in pliuri, pe care am mai purtat-o o singura data, in prima zi de Master. Uitandu-ma in albumul de outfituri, am realizat ca in ultimele 4 postari am purtat fuste :)). Asa ca, pentru a nu va plictisi, am schimbat planul si mi-am purtat pantalonii preferati, mai ales ca burgundy-ul este o culoare de sezon ☺. Am mers iar pe o paleta de culori tomnatica, ca aici. In ceea ce priveste accesoriile, am fost destul de cuminte: lantisorul de pe lista de favorite ale lunii Octombrie si ceasul, care va intra pe lista de favorite ale lunii Noiembrie…spoiler :)). Btw, cei de la Murano Shop ofera un cupon de 7% reducere pentru abonarea la newsletter! 😀
While picking my outfit for this Sunday, I was contemplating a grey, pleated skirt that I’ve only worn once before. Looking at my outfits album, I realized that my last 4 outfit posts consisted of skirts. So I switched it up a bit and wore my favorite pair of jeans, especially since burgundy is in trend right now ☺. I went with a fall inspired color palette and kept the accessories to a minimum.

 Thank you for your visit! ♥

P.S. Join Romwe Official Fashion Bloggers in 2013 contest. Win big (up to $ 130 in freebies!) and become an official Romwe Fashion Blogger.


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Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀


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