Hey girls!
Nu stiu daca va mai amintiti, dar anul trecut am facut un
machiaj inspirat de Twilight. Anul asta, filmul care mi-a starnit imaginatia a fost Skyfall. Look-ul nu e o interpretare a machiajului purtat de Severine (desi, si acela e tare interesant), ci reprezinta sentimentul pe care mi-l transmite mie productia si piesa interpretata de Adele…intens, dramatic, patrunzator. Sper sa va placa! 😀
I don’t know if you remember, but last year I made a
Twilight inspired make-up look. This year, the film that sparked my imagination was Skyfall. The look is not an interpretation of the make-up worn by Severine (although, that one is also very interesting), but more about the feeling that the movie and the song gave me…an intense, dramatic one. I hope you like it! : D
ELF Eyelid Primer
Coastal Scents Eyeshadow Pencil (intins pe pleoapa mobila – smudged on the lid)
Azade – 19. Funky Fuchsia
Sleek Eye Dust – Fantasy
Sleek Eye Dust – Hypnotic
Sephora Colorful 01 – White Pearl
Deborah – Super Iridescent Wet&Dry – No.9
Sephora Eyeliner – Flashy Blue
Sleek Eye Dust – Jet Set
Gene False Red Cherry #99
Sephora Lip Liner
Cattier Gloss Push-up – 04. Petale
Too Faced Matte Bronzing Powder – Chocolate Soleil
Sleek Blush – Pixie Pink
Stila Noire Palette (the shimmery pink as highlight)
*click to enlarge*
On different eye colors:
Thank you for your visit! ♥
Puteti sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze, cereri sau intrebari pe mail. Adresele le gasiti sus!
You can write to me or send pictures, requests and questions on my e-mail. The addresses are above.
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀