LOTD : Grass and Clear Blue Sky

Hey girls!

Aveam chef de un machiaj colorat si fresh, ultimul inainte sa se termine vara definitiv, asa ca am mers pe nuante de verde si albastru. Arata mult mai dramatic in realitate, mai ales combinat cu rujul mov, dar for some reason, n-am reusit sa-i surprind intensitatea pe camera. Oricum, era foarte indraznet si in your face. Inainte sa plec de acasa am renuntat la gene si am aplicat un ruj nude ca sa-l fac mai purtabil. Sper sa va placa!

I was in the mood for a colorful, fresh look, the last one before the summer was finally gone, so I went with shades of green and blue. It looked much more dramatic in real life, especially combined with the purple lipstick, but for some reason, I couldn’t catch it on camera. Anyway, it was very edgy and in your face. I removed the fake lashes and applied a nude lipstick before I left to make it more wearable. I hope you like it!

Produse folosite pentru ochi/ EYES :

No-name blue eyeliner (intins pe pleoapa mobila – smudged on the lid)

NYX – Lake Algae
Gene False Red Cherry #415
Urban Decay Eyeliner – Electric
Sleek Eye Dust – Hypnotic

Produse folosite pentru buze/ LIPS :

Golden Rose Lipliner – No.203

Seventeen Extreme Shine l/g

Produse folosite pentru conturare/ CONTOURING :
Too Faced Matte Bronzing Powder – Chocolate Soleil
Stila Noire Palette (the bright pink as a blush and the dust pink as a highlighter)

 *click to enlarge*
On different eye colors :  
Puteti sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze, cereri sau intrebari pe mail. Adresele le gasiti sus! 
You can write to me or send pictures, requests and questions on my e-mail. The addresses are above.

Va pup, sa fiti cuminti!

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