…and confidence is a stain they can’t wipe off!
Lil Wayne ft. Eminem – Drop The World
Faux-leather pants / Pantaloni : Promod;
Blouse/ Bluza : H&M
; Jacket / Jacheta : Cache Cache
; Loafers / Balerini :
Sheinside.com ; Clutch / Plic : Bershka;
Bracelet / Bratari : Promod; Necklaces / Coliere : Motivi & Bershka; Rings : SIX & Orsay
Va povesteam ca am avut niste zile incarcate saptamana trecuta, asa ca ieri am iesit sa ma relaxez cu Roxana. Da, stiu…ar trebui sa scriu la licenta, toata lumea-mi zice…o s-o fac si pe asta :)). Anyway, am purtat noii mei balerini cu tepi de pe
Sheinside.com, pe care-i ador! Nici nu mai e nevoie sa zic ca toata lumea s-a uitat la ei,
they’re a show stopper :)). Am ales sa-i combin cu o tinuta black & white, accesorii aurii si o coada tapata (desi in poze nu se mai vede prea bine pentru ca trecusera cateva ore bune ☺).
I had a rough couple of days last week so yesterday I went out to relax with Roxana. I know I should be writing my final paper, I’ll get to it eventually :)). Anyway, I wore my new loafers from
Sheinside.com and I absolutely love them! Needless to say, everyone was staring at them, they’re a show stopper :)). I wore them with a black & white outfit, gold accessories and a teased ponytail.
Thank you for your visit! ♥
Puteti sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze, cereri sau intrebari pe mail. Adresele le gasiti sus!
You can write to me or send pictures, requests and questions on my e-mail. The addresses are above.
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀