Hey girls!
Am iesit aseara dupa muuult timp. Probleme cu spatele m-au cam tinut in casa si, desi nu sunt genul de persoana care sa se plictiseasca stand acasa, recunosc ca simteam nevoia sa mai ies si sa interactionez. Am purtat pulovarul de
aici, voiam sa vedeti cat a intrat la apa :)). Sa aveti o Duminica minunata! 😀
I went out last night after a long time. My back problems kept me on house arrest and although I’m not the type to get bored sitting at home, I really felt the need to go out and interact with other people. I wore
this sweater, I wanted to show you how much it shrank :)). Have a great Sunday! 😀
Dress/ Rochie : Zara; Jumper / Bluza : Stradivarius;
Boots / Cizme : Bershka; Coat/ Palton : Heliotrop
Love this song!
Astept sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze & cereri pe special.makeup@yahoo.com!
You can write to me or send pictures and requests at special.makeup@yahoo.com!
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀