Hey girls!
De decorat tot nu m-am apucat, dar mi-am reorganizat fardurile si mi-am spalat toate pensulele. Macar mi-am facut unghiile in spirit festiv, e un inceput…nu? :)) Am fost inspirata de
acest tutorial, e foarte simplu de realizat, dar de efect ♥.
I still haven’t decorated my room, but I managed to reorganize my make-up & wash all my brushes. At least I made a festive design on my nails, it’s a start…right?:)) I was inspired by
this tutorial, it’s very easy to do, but has a great impact ♥.
Hope you like it :
Products used :
Giordani Gold – Crimson
Flormar Supershine Miracle Colors U22
Flormar Supershine Miracle Colors U10
Sephora Glitter – P.03
Nail Expert manicure – Silk Base & Top Coat
Astept sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze & cereri pe special.makeup@yahoo.com!
You can write to me or send pictures and requests at special.makeup@yahoo.com!
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀