Hey girls!
V-am promis un al doilea look de Revelion, mai “cuminte” decat primul. Am folosit culorile specifice acestui tip de machiaj (argintiu si negru), dar m-am jucat putin cu eyelinerul :D. E destul de simplu de realizat, dar veti fura toate privirile purtandu-l ♥. Sper sa va placa si sa va fie util!
I promised you a second New Year’s Eve look, more toned down than the first. I used the usual colors for this type on make-up (silver and black), but played a bit with the eyeliner :D. It’s fairly easy to do, but you’ll turn every head wearing it ♥. I hope you like it and find it useful!
Produse folosite pentru ochi/ EYES :
NYX Jumbo pencil – Milk (intins pe pleoapa mobila – smudged on the lid)
StarGazer – Quick Silver
UD Book of Shadows vol. II
Sephora Colorful 01 – White pearl
Laval Glitter Eyeliner (aplicat pe pleoapa mobila, peste fard – applied on the lid, over the eyeshadow)
ELF Cream Eyeliner – Black
Produse folosite pentru buze/ LIPS :
Carmex Moisturising Lip Balm
No-name lip pencil
Rimmel London – 120. Voluptuous
Produse folosite pentru conturare/ CONTOURING :
ELF Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder
ELF Cream Blush – Heartbreaker
ELF Radiance Enhancer – Sunrise
Flormar Terracotta Double Effect Eye Shadow – 01 (peste “Sunrise”)
Astept sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze & cereri pe special.makeup@yahoo.com!
You can write to me or send pictures and requests at special.makeup@yahoo.com!
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀