Hey girls!
Asa cum am promis pe facebook, de astazi incep postarile pentru Revelion :D. Pentru inceput am pregatit un look oarecum atipic si cu siguranta nu pe gustul tuturor. Petrecerea de sfarsit de an e poate singurul eveniment din an in care ceilalti nu se vor uita ciudat la voi daca purtati ceva mai trasnit, de aceea mi se pare ocazia perfecta sa incercati ceva nou, sa indrazniti. In materie de make-up aveti multe optiuni, cateva exemple : gene false dramatice, eyeliner colorat, sclipici, culori neon, ruj intr-o culoare atipica, strasuri etc. Evident, nu toate deodata si nu aplicate in exces. Eu sper sa va placa machiajul, dar o sa postez oricum si look-uri mai clasice :D.
As promised on facebook, I’m going to do some New Year’s Eve related posts starting today. I thought we’d start off with a somewhat unusual look and definitely not to everyone’s liking. The party between years is probably the only event where people won’t look at you funny if you wear something a bit crazy, that’s why I think it’s the perfect occasion to try something new, to take a chance. As far as make-up is concerned, you have plenty of options, some examples : dramatic fake lashes, colored eyeliner, glitter, neon colors, crazy lipstick colors, rhinestones etc. Obviously, applied in good taste. I hope you like this look, but I’ll also post some classical ones :D.
Produse folosite pentru ochi/ EYES :
Avon Arabian Glow e/l (intins pe pleoapa mobila – smudged on the lid)
P/g Neon orange (pigment portocaliu neon)
Matte 120 Palette
Kryolan Compact Matt – Night Blue
Flormar Terracotta Double Effect Eye Shadow – 01
Lanmei Orange Glitter (sclipici portocaliu)
BeautyUk Pearl Liner – 04. Blue lagoon
Gene false Extreme Collection
Produse folosite pentru buze/ LIPS :
Carmex Moisturising Lip Balm
ELF Matte Lip Color – Coral
ELF Lip Stain – First date
Produse folosite pentru conturare/ CONTOURING :
ELF Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder
ELF Cream Blush – Flirt
ELF Radiance Enhancer – Sunrise
Flormar Terracotta Double Effect Eye Shadow – 01 (peste “Sunrise”)
Astept sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze & cereri pe special.makeup@yahoo.com!
You can write to me or send pictures and requests at special.makeup@yahoo.com!
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀