TAG : My make-up palettes

Hey girls!

Imi cer scuze ca fac doua tag-uri intr-o saptamana, dar am avut niste zile foarte busy. Am facut machiajul pentru doua book-uri, m-am apucat si de sala si inca nu mi-am stabilit un orar clar. Sper sa reusesc sa filmez tutorialul de saptamana asta Sambata si sa-l editez pentru Duminica. Pana atunci, preiau si eu tag-ul care a circulat saptamana asta prin blogosfera si va arat paletele mele de make-up. Mi-am promis sa nu-mi mai cumpar deloc farduri pentru ca evident am suficiente, dar stati linistite…am alte produse pe lista :)). 
I apologize for doing 2 tags in one week, but I’ve had some very busy days. I did the make-up for two photo-shoots and started going to the gym and I’ve yet to set up a precise schedule. I hope I can film on Saturday and have this week’s tutorial up on Sunday. Until then, I’ll do the tag that has been circling around and show you my make-up palettes. I’ve promised myself I wouldn’t buy anymore eyeshadows because I have more than enough, but rest assure….I have other products on my list :)).
Trio Seventeen :

Trio NYX :

Trio L’oreal :
ELF Quads :
Others :
Sleek Palettes :

Too Faced & Stila :
Urban Decay, Laissa & ELF :
Cargo & Too Faced :
(am uitat sa le fac poza acum, asa ca am luat una din postarea asta)
120 Original Palette & Matte 120 Palette : 

 Mirlans 100 Colors Palette :
Fraulein 88 Sunkissed Palette :
CS Metal Mania :
That’s it! 😀
Astept sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze & cereri pe special.makeup@yahoo.com! 
You can write to me or send pictures and requests at special.makeup@yahoo.com! 

Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀

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