Hey girls!
Ieri a fost o zi speciala deoarece m-am intalnit cu
Lili si
Lucia ♥. Toate trei sunt niste fete deosebite, a caror munca o admir de mult timp. Pe langa faptul ca sunt cateva dintre cele mai talentate bloggerite pe care le cunosc, sunt si foarte dragute. Sper sa avem ocazia sa ne revedem curand. Pana atunci, va postez look-ul pe care l-am purtat la intalnire :D.
Yesterday was a great day because I got to meet
Lili &
Lucia ♥. All three are very special girls and I’ve been admiring their work for a long time now. Besides the fact that they’re among the most talented bloggers I know, they’re also very nice. I hope we get to meet again soon. Until then, I’ll post the look I wore at the meet-up :D.
Hope you like it :
Produse folosite pentru ochi / EYES :
ELF Cream Blush – Seductress (intins pe pleoapa mobila – smudged on the lid)
CS 88 Metal Mania
Laissa 24 Palette
Matte 120 Palette
Kryolan – Glanz Beige
Gel e/l – True Black
Gene False Ardell 120 Demi Black –
Seventeen Super Smooth Waterproof & Longstay e/l – 18. Petrol
Matte 120 Palette
Image Maker e/l – 002
Produse folosite pentru buze/ LIPS :
Balm Balm Lip balm
ELF Matte Lip Color l/p – Tea Rose
Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupte lipstick – 09. Caress Pink
Produse folosite pentru conturare/ CONTOURING :
Too Faced Matte Bronzing Powder – Chocolate Soleil
Stila Noire Palette (rozul mat ca blush – the matte pink as blush)
Stila Noire Palette (rozul sidefat ca highlight – the pink shimmer as highlight)
(click pentru marire)
Astept sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze & cereri pe special.makeup@yahoo.com! Daca aveti vreo intrebare pentru mine, va rog sa va uitati intai la sectiunea “
F.A.Q.” pentru a vedea daca n-am raspuns deja la ea.
You can write to me or send pictures and requests at special.makeup@yahoo.com! If you have any questions for me, please check out the “
F.A.Q.” section above to see if I haven’t already answered them.
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀