Hey girls!
Astazi ne ocupam de fata de treaba, cea care e prietena cu toata lumea, e sociabila si haioasa, mereu gata sa-si ajute colegii si mediatoarea tuturor conflictelor. Pentru ea am ales un machiaj colorat si vesel, deloc strident. Sper sa va placa!
Today we’re covering the good girl. She’s friends with everyone, she’s sociable and funny, always there to help out her classmates and the mediator of all conflicts. I chose a colorful and fun make-up for her, not at all dramatic or heavy. Hope you like it!
Produse folosite pentru ochi/ EYES :
ELF Eyelid Primer
Avon e/l – Arabian Glow (intins pe pleoapa mobila – smudged on the lid)
Fraulein38 Sun Kiss Palette
Heartbreaker Cosmetics – New love – Happy
Crazy Priorities Cosmic – Sweet chocolate
Seventeen Silky Shadow Matt – Bronzed Orange
Kryolan – Glanz Beige
ELF Cream e/l – Coffee
Astor Big & Beautiful False Lash Look mascara
Urban Decay e/l – Bourbon (intins pe linia genelor de jos – smudged on the lower lash line)
Crazy Priorities Cosmic – Sweet chocolate
NYX Jumbo e/l – Milk (waterline)
Produse folosite pentru buze/ LIPS :
Nivea Hydro Care
Sephora maniac mat l/s – mat 02
Produse folosite pentru CONTOURING :
Too Faced Matte Bronzing Powder – Chocolate Soleil
ELF Cream Blush – Seductress (as a base for the blush)
10 Blush Palette
Stila Noire Palette (the pink shimmer as highlight)
(click pentru marire)
Mi-am facut cararea intr-o parte si am separat parul in doua parti egale. Am inceput sa impletesc una din parti si de fiecare data cand ajungeam la suvita din exterior, mai luam o suvita din parul ramas pana am impletit toata partea initiala. Am prins-o cu un elastic si am trecut la cea de-a doua jumatate. Pe aceasta am legat-o intr-o coada cu suvita dinainte si am impartit-o, la randul ei, in doua parti egale pe care le-am impletit pe rand. La final, am impletit toate cele 3 bucati de par si apoi am adaugat bentita si am fixat bretonul cu ea.
I parted my hair on the side and divided into two equal parts. I started braiding one of the parts and every time I reached the outer piece, I’d grab another strand from the hair I had left. I did this until I managed to braid the first half. Then I tied the second half to it, parted this one into two equals sides and braided each of them. At the end, I braided all three pieces of hair, added the headband and secured my bangs with it.
Am ales un outfit simplu si chic : camasa inflorata, cardigan oversized, botine cowboy si geanta cu franjuri.
I chose a simple yet chic outfit : flower print shirt, oversized cardigan, cowboy boots and a fringe messenger bag.
Astept sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze & cereri pe special.makeup@yahoo.com! Daca aveti vreo intrebare pentru mine, va rog sa va uitati intai la sectiunea “
F.A.Q.” pentru a vedea daca n-am raspuns deja la ea.
You can write to me or send pictures and requests at special.makeup@yahoo.com! If you have any questions for me, please check out the “
F.A.Q.” section above to see if I haven’t already answered them.
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀