Hey girls!
Am revenit cu o noua postare din seria “Summer 101”, de data aceasta despre machiajul potrivit pentru plaja. M-am decis sa abordez acest subiect pentru ca e una din cele mai frecvente intrebari primite odata cu venirea temperaturilor ridicate. Daca pana nu demult raspundeam ca cel mai bine ar fi sa nu purtati machiaj la plaja (eu personal asa am sa fac in continuare), astazi m-am decis sa raspund cerintelor voastre si sa va prezint o alternativa acceptabila.
I’m back with a “Summer 101” article, this time regarding beach make-up. I decided to take on this subject because it’s one of the most frequently asked questions once the summer sets in. Until now my response was to not use any make-up at all (that’s what I do), but today I’ve decided to fulfill your request and present you with a suitable alternative.
Dupa ce va curatati fata cu demachiant, e necesar sa va hidratati pielea inainte de a incepe cu machiajul propriu-zis. Aplicati crema hidratanta preferata.
After properly cleaning your face, it’s necessary to hydrate your skin…so use the moisturizer of your choice.
Aplicati lotiune SPF! Este cel mai important pas (singurul pe care-l fac eu la plaja, actually).
Aplly SPF! I cannot stress it enough! It’s actually the only step I do when I go to the beach.
Majoritatea surselor spun ca e OK sa folositi fdt, dar mie mi se pare mult prea heavy pentru plaja. Nu vrea nimeni sa transpire sau sa intre in apa si sa i se scurga machiajul. Daca aveti nevoie neaparat de ceva pentru uniformizarea pielii, eu recomand folosirea unui creme nuantatoare.
Most sources say it’s OK to use a foundation, but I disagree…I think it’s too heavy for a day at the beach. Nobody wants to sweat or to go in the water and have her make-up melting down. If you really need something to cover your skin, I recommend using a tinted moisturizer.
Aplicati un concealer light pe cearcane si zonele cu probleme. Daca n-aveti mari probleme, eu zic sa sariti cu totul pasul 3 si sa folositi doar un concealer pentru anumite zone.
Apply a light concealer on your dark circles and blemishes. If you don’t have big skin problems, I say jump the 3rd step and only use concealer on the areas you really need it.
Conturati-va sprancenele cu un creion waterproof. Nu trebuie sa fie perfecte, doar sa umpleti spatiile goale.
Fill in your eyebrows with a waterproof pencil. It doesn’t have to be perfect!
Dupa primer, aplicati un fard crema pe pleoapa mobila si in pliul pleoapei. Alegeti o culoare “sunkissed”, mi se pare mai potrivita. Apoi aplicati un fard pudra, de aceeasi culoare, pentru a asigura rezistenta de-a lungul zilei. Folositi un fard sidefat, nu mat.
After priming the eyes, apply a cream eyeshadow on your lid and crease. Choose a sun-kissed color, I find it to be more appropriate. Then, apply a pressed eyeshadow of the same color on top of it to ensure the make-up for the entire day. Use a shimmery eyeshadow, not a matte one.
Aplicati un creion waterproof pe pleoapa mobila si pe linia genelor de jos. Apoi, cu o pensula “smudge”, amestecati-l.
Apply a waterproof eye pencil on the lid and the lower lash line. Then smudge it, using a smudge brush.
Folositi un rimel wateproof. Use a waterproof mascara!
I used to love this!
Folositi un blush crema, se vede mai natural, rezista mai mult si nu se scurge cu pete, ca un produs pudra.
Use a cream blush, it looks more natural, it stays on longer and it doesn’t look as bad melting, as a powder blush.
I got my eye on this! ♥
Aplicati un gloss long-lasting pe buze sau un lip stain. Nu recomand sa va complicati cu ruj, nu cred ca o sa stati sa-l reaplicati de fiecare data. Daca va luati un lip stain, puteti sa-l folositi si pe obraji, ca blush…deci 2 iepuri :D.
Apply a long-lasting gloss or a lip stain. I don’t recommend a lipstick, it’s too time consuming and I doubt you’ll have the time (or energy) to reapply it often. If you decide on a lip stain, you can also use it as a blush, so there you have it…2 birds! 😀
Dupa cum puteti sa vedeti, crema nuantatoare are o acoperire destul de OK. Uniformizeaza frumos tenul, dar nu reuseste sa-mi acopere pistruii.
As you can see, the tinted moisturizer has a fairly good coverage. It evens out the skin tone, but it doesn’t cover my freckles.
Produse folosite pentru ochi :
ELF Duo E/s cream – Butter Pecan
Fraulein38 Sun Kiss Palette
Sephora kohl and liner – “01. Keep black”
L’Oreal Lash Architect Mascara
Produse folosite pentru buze :
Seventeen Wet Lips l/g – 33. Champagne
Produse folosite pentru fata :
ELF Tinted Moisturizer SPF 15 – Apricot Beige
Benefit Erase Paste – No1. Fair
ELF Cream blush – Seductress
Astept sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi trimiteti poze & cereri pe
special.makeup@yahoo.com! Daca aveti vreo intrebare pentru mine, va rog sa va uitati intai la sectiunea “
F.A.Q.” pentru a vedea daca n-am raspuns deja la ea.
You can write to me or send pictures and requests at special.makeup@yahoo.com! If you have any questions for me, please check out the “F.A.Q.” section above to see if I haven’t already answered them.
Va pup, sa fiti cuminti! 😀